Everyday Adventures in Havachon Heaven

The Good, Crazy, & Adorable Life of One Havachon Puppy

Love of Watermelon, Told In Pictures

on August 6, 2015

I don’t think there’s any food or treat that Daisy likes better than watermelon.

One of our weekly mini-watermelons that Daisy considers to be her dessert bowl. :)

One of our weekly mini-watermelons that Daisy considers to be her dessert bowl. 🙂

When we cut one open, she recognizes the sound and comes flying into the kitchen, then fixates on it until we serve it up. She gets one little scoop from the middle, then after we’re done, she drinks the juice from the “watermelon bowl” and nibbles bits and pieces from the sides.

Is that my weekend watermelon up there?

Is that my weekend watermelon up there?

Oh watermelon, watermelon, I worship you from afar...

Oh watermelon, watermelon, I worship you from afar…

You still there?

You still there?

Stop taking pictures and eat it already so I can have my lickies!

Stop taking pictures and eat it already so I can have my lickies! I’m giving you my irresistible “panda bear” eyes!

My turn!! ::crunch crunch crunch::

My turn!! ::crunch crunch crunch::



After her feeding frenzy, she had a pink beard and mustache that just wouldn’t come out in a picture. But we all had a good laugh! 😀

We’re part of the Thursday Barks and Bytes blog hop!

28 responses to “Love of Watermelon, Told In Pictures

  1. a dog and a watermelon, that are signs of summer :o) I’m not a fan of fruits, butt my momma would love to share a wallymelon with you:o)

  2. Me says:

    Cuuuute! 🙂

    I really want to try my pups with watermelon, they’ve never had it…yes, we are abusive XD

    • raisingdaisy says:

      LOL We hadn’t thought about it until we saw a woman giving her dog watermelon at an outdoor summer festival we went to. She said it was a good way to keep them hydrated since they don’t always drink enough water. I checked with our vet about it and he confirmed it was a good idea…much to Daisy’s joy! 🙂

  3. Fozziemum says:

    Funny i must try the boys with it..they hanker after canteloupe so maybe like Daisy they will enjoy 🙂 great pics hugs Fozziemum

  4. Jodi says:

    Sampson and Delilah love watermelon too! Except I couldn’t put the “bowl” down in front of Delilah. I’d be afraid she would eat the rind. Lol

    Thanks for joining the blog hop!

  5. Mary says:

    Mmmmmm, I bet that’s good. I love watermelon and so does Torrey.

    • raisingdaisy says:

      Isn’t it great when the pups love something that’s good for them? Daisy loves the aromas of chocolate and coffee, neither of which can she have. So I’m happy to be able to share watermelon with her. 🙂

  6. Jan K says:

    That is so cute, I love how Daisy gets the “bowl”! Our Luke loves watermelon too, and my hubby has been buying one weekly and they share it (I eat some, but it’s not my favorite). . Like Jodi, I couldn’t give Luke the bowl either though, because he’d probably eat the whole thing. 🙂

  7. LOL I agree with Daisy. I love watermelon although right now I can’t really have it. Bummer. Brown dawgs like it too and often get a few pieces if I am having some. Thanks for joining the hop!

  8. Barb says:

    I love the pictures of Daisy waiting impatiently for her watermelon treat, and then watch her get into it…so funny, and a pic of her pink beard and mustache would be priceless!
    I’ve never tried Poppy with watermelon, I didn’t know dogs liked it – she might like it too.

  9. Debra says:

    Wow! I have never seen a pup chow down on watermelon before! It’s so funny that Daisy actually runs into the kitchen when she hears the sound of you cutting into the watermelon. I think that’s so interesting. It’s a very healthy treat, so why not, I guess! I think I’ll offer some to Zena soon and at least see if she also thinks this is a treat. And I love Daisy’s Panda eyes! She’s such a cutie!

    • raisingdaisy says:

      Thank you Debra! There are two main sounds that bring Daisy running into the kitchen expectantly – peeling carrots and cutting open a watermelon. Sometimes she races in so fast, she can’t stop and ends up crashing into the cabinets!

  10. That is some patient waiting!

  11. Those photos and captions made me smile! Daisy must really looove her watermelon!

    Although I’ve heard many people give their pups watermelon, I just haven’t tried it yet. Cody loves his food but I’m not sure if he would appreciate watermelon! I remember how disgusted he was when we first tried to give him carrot!

    • raisingdaisy says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed them! 🙂 It’s so true that different dogs have different tastes, and now we’ve discovered that Daisy’s tastes have changed suddenly – she no longer cares for apples, which used to be her favorites! Go figure!

  12. kolytyi says:

    OMG, OMG, those pink ear-ends and beard are capable of making Daisy’s cuteness-factor even higher! Could we have a video, too? Pleaaaaaaaaaase!!!! I bet her nom-nom-noises are super cute, too!

  13. Novroz says:

    I didn’t know dog can eat watermelon!!
    It’s too sweet for my babies.

    I bet daisy looks like vampire afterward 😉

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