Everyday Adventures in Havachon Heaven

The Good, Crazy, & Adorable Life of One Havachon Puppy

Turning The Corner?

on November 14, 2013

I don’t want to speak too soon, but I believe we’re seeing some bits of improvement here!

Daisy’s whining is down to minimal amounts. We actually slept last night!
She’s learning to hobble on three legs in order to re-position herself on the couch.
She’s able to lie on her injured side, which she wasn’t able to put pressure on before. This allows her to find more comfortable positions.
Her eyes are less bloodshot.
The leg is less red, and the redness is confined to the incision area.
Not to be crude, but she finally went to the bathroom! (She also threw up, but I’m not surprised after not eating and taking all those meds.)
She’s acting more interested in what’s going on around her and is reacting to sounds again.

When I think about it, I realize we were actually blessed by having only one really rough day and night; other small dogs experience longer periods of severe pain, like our vet’s poor dog did. Yesterday I’d never have expected this much of a positive change.

Daisy's more upright and looking brighter today - compare that to yesterday's pitiful puppy!

Daisy’s more upright and looking brighter today – compare that to yesterday’s pitiful puppy!

We’re also extremely blessed with a wonderful, caring community of blogging friends who have been so caring, sympathetic, and attentive. I think all your positive thoughts and prayers helped! We thank everyone for their kind wishes, prayers and positive suggestions – you guys are the BEST community I could ever want. It gave me great comfort to read your comments throughout the day, as I sat here hour after hour feeling so helpless, worried, and occasionally weepy all day yesterday. Watching a loved one struggling with pain, confusion, fear, and discomfort is one of the hardest things to endure, especially when you can’t communicate to them what’s happening, why, what not to do, and that it will pass in time.

I know we have a long struggle ahead, but unless Daisy re-injures herself (NOOOOOO!!), I feel like the worst is behind us. Thank you so much for being there for us.


31 responses to “Turning The Corner?

  1. KDKH says:

    I encourage you to talk to Daisy about how you are helping her, she will get better, etc. she may not understand your words, but she will get their emotional meaning (I.e. This won’t last forever, you will help her, etc.). Dogs are very intuitive, and she’ll get it!

    • raisingdaisy says:

      That’s a good idea. We’ve been talking to her in comforting tones, but I think continuing along the lines you suggested is a good idea. Plus I think our tone yesterday had more of an element of worry and sympathy, and now we can change that to something more confident and positive, which will give her strength. Thanks for a great suggestion!

  2. barb19 says:

    I’ve been so worried about Daisy, and yesterday I found myself telling my little Poppy what had happened to her! She loves stories, so today I’ll be telling her that Daisy is looking much brighter!
    As the pain subsides she will show more interest in what’s going on around her (always a good sign with animals). As KDKH says, talk to her; your voice is a great comfort to her and it doesn’t matter what you say – your tone calms, comforts and makes her feel secure. Go Daisy!

    • raisingdaisy says:

      Thanks so much Barb, you’re such a compassionate blog friend! I’ve been talking to Daisy more today, and with more of a confident tone to my voice. I’m telling her I know she’ll get better and that all her blog friends are thinking of her. The way she stares into my eyes, I could swear she’s thinking about what I’m saying!

  3. Will and Eko says:

    Nice, glad to hear things are getting better!

  4. 2browndawgs says:

    I am so relieved to hear she is doing better. 🙂

  5. Oh good Daisy!! Keep on feeling better, you need to get back to the crazy dog we all know and love.

  6. kolytyi says:

    Restful night? First Bionic Pup Smile after First Bionic Pup Mom&Dad Smile? Long naps?

    • raisingdaisy says:

      LOL Yes thank you, we did have a restful night! And this morning we discovered that our Bionic Pup had moved from her bed to a corner to tuck herself in more, but it’s good that she moved across the room on her own without yiping or whimpering. We’re definitely smiling more now. 🙂

  7. optie says:

    So glad to hear that Daisy is doing a bit better today. Love all the advice you’ve been given about talking to her, it makes so much sense. She’ll soon be hopping about again and then the really difficult task of keeping her from injuring herself begins so try and relax and enjoy this short period of enforced rest for you and Daisy.

  8. How great that she feels a better. It sounds good that it is less red, hope it will heal up very well. My paws are crossed and you are in my thoughts, Daisy.

  9. ILoveDogs says:

    Thank goodness. I’m so glad you’re doing better, Daisy. XOXOXO

  10. Jill says:

    I’m so glad to hear she is doing better! We also have a Havachon who acts very similar to Daisy. It broke my heart to hear of her accident and surgery. Hope she continues to heal!

    • raisingdaisy says:

      Thank you, Jill. Havachons sure are fun and I’d get another one in a second, but their silliness sometimes gets them into trouble! There’ll be no more chair-sitting for Daisy, I can assure you!

  11. granny1947 says:

    So glad to see her looking MUCH brighter.

  12. Mags Corner says:

    We are so happy to hear about the progress sweet Daisy is making. You all are going to make it just fine through her recovery period. That little sweet is going to heal well with all the TLC she is getting with you who love her so much. We will keep the prayers going for her and for all of you throughout this whole journey. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Yay Daisy

    I was so hoping I’d find another post here saying things were looking up, keep up the great recovery buddy and take it easy!

    Big wags

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  14. Novroz says:

    yaaaaiii … so good to read that she is getting better 🙂 I sure hope she wont injure herself again and have full recovery soon 🙂

    I totally agree with you about the pet blogging community. I don’t think I could be strong when Kame passed away without the help of everyone in the community. Almost everyone in my real life didn’t care and acted like it’s just a turtle. But everyone who are blogging about their pets know how it feel and they gave me so much comfort.

    • raisingdaisy says:

      Thank you Novroz! I know what you mean about people not thinking it’s a big deal when a pet is injured or passes away; some of our closest family members think absolutely nothing of Daisy’s surgery or the pain she’s in. I just don’t get it. I’m sorry you had to deal with that when Kame passed away – a pet is family, whether it’s a turtle, dog, guinea pig, bird, whatever. We’re close to them and they matter. Thank goodness for our community! 🙂

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