Everyday Adventures in Havachon Heaven

The Good, Crazy, & Adorable Life of One Havachon Puppy

One Lovely Blog Award

on January 19, 2012

I can’t tell you how happy Scriptor Obscura made us this weekend when we (uncharacteristically) went online and discovered that Scriptor honored us with the One Lovely Blog Award!

Thanks so much, Scriptor! If you haven’t visited her site, take a moment and have a look – the fresh perspective of her creative writing and poetry is definitely worth your time. 🙂

I love this award because its purpose is simply to recognize the efforts of fellow bloggers and to let them know that their work is appreciated. Well, I can truly say I appreciate every single blogging buddy we’ve come to know over the past year and a half since we’ve been on WP. Your comments brighten each day. 🙂

There’s no limit to how many people this award can be passed on to. So, in no particular order (we love and value you all!), I’d like to pass this award on to those who take the time to read and comment regularly – we LOVE your visits and comments!! 😀

Basset Momma

Tiffy’s World

Snoopy’s Dog Blog

Yorkie Tails

Chancy the Gardner

Bunk Blog

Roxy the Traveling Dog

Live, Bark, Love

2 Brown Dawgs

Vanilla Bean

Words With Purpose

Passionate About Pets & People

Happy Bark Days

Kame & Kroten Blog

We also sincerely appreciate all our followers who don’t have time to comment and those who comment regularly but don’t bother with awards (like Granny1947 and The Hook) – if any of you would like this award, feel free to take it! We’d have named you, but we don’t know who you are…. 😉

Happy day to everyone!

31 responses to “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Scriptor Obscura says:

    Aww, thank you so much for the lovely mentions here, I really appreciate it! 😀 I am so glad that you enjoyed this award; you certainly deserve it! Enjoy, and give Daisy a treat from me 😉

  2. Yay Daisy!! Congrats to you and your Mum – you guys rock and we love that we’re friends with you guys!! We love checking out your blog, it’s so cool!!

    Thanks so much for mentioning us in your list, very sweet of you!! 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  3. tiffy40 says:

    Thank you for thinking of Tiffy. We really appreciate it:) We look forward to reading about Daisy’s antics and feel privileged and honored to have made your list:)

  4. barb19 says:

    Congratulations on the well-deserved award! I love reading your blog – it rocks!
    I feel honoured to be among some of those you’ve passed it on to, thank you so much.

  5. arooo…congratulations to ya lovely Daisy… and thanks for including me on the list (wags) … can’t wait to tell it to the gals xoxox- Vanilla Bean
    p.s. i thought the dainty cup up there was filled with strawberry swirls… heheh

  6. The Hook says:

    Congrats you lucky dog!

  7. 2browndawgs says:

    Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for including us. We really enjoy reading over here (and hope to soon have time to visit some new blogs…puppy is kicking our butts, but in a good way :)).

  8. lostupabove says:

    Congratulations on this terrific award.

  9. Bassetmomma says:

    Congratulations and thank you so much for honoring us with this award! We do love reading all your blogs and I look forward to checking out the new ones I haven’t visited yet!

  10. Novroz says:

    First, congrats for the award Daisy.
    My turtles and I are delighted to accept it. Unfortunately, we had an award post on scheduled and had no time to revise it. We will soon revise it to say thank you to you too 🙂

  11. Awwww Daisy, thanks for mentioning us on your list. We love your blog too!!

  12. Chancy, Mumsy and Crew says:

    Congratulations on the award!!! We thank you for passing it on to us and giving us a shout out on this post you are so sweet. We will get a post out soon accepting the award. Thank you again so much. This beautiful award is very special to us. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. Scrappy says:

    Daisy! Congrats! You do have a lovely blog! Thanks so much for passing it on here! I am humbled but honored:)

  14. […] also received this same award from our newest dear friend Daisy. It is so nice to meet you Daisy and thank you for the […]

  15. We love the look of the award badge. Reminds me of a decadent afternoon high-tea. Thank you for the mention – we’re hooked on Daisy and enjoy following her adventures!

    P.s. Oooh, what a pretty blog theme. Pink is our favourite colour. It also suits the ‘One Lovely Blog’ award, too!

  16. […] Last week Everyday Adventures in Havachon Heaven awarded us the very pretty One Lovely Blog Award. […]

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